The photos in this series are side shots of my participation in a certain music video. The story of the music video is based on the forest, depicting a group of people searching for treasures that do not exist in the forest and are thus in vain.
When I was shooting, my idea was to guess what stories would happen to these protagonists in this forest, trying to show the characters’ personalities and actions from the composition and light and shadow of a single photo.
When I was shooting, my idea was to guess what stories would happen to these protagonists in this forest, trying to show the characters’ personalities and actions from the composition and light and shadow of a single photo.

Crew List
作曲 Composed by:五木 Fivewood|STACO
歌詞 Lyrics by:五木 Fivewood|STACO
編曲 Beat Produced by:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
製作⼈ Executive Producer:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
錄⾳工程師 Recording Engineer:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
錄⾳工作室 Recording Studio:All In One Music
混⾳工程師 Mix engineer:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
作曲 Composed by:五木 Fivewood|STACO
歌詞 Lyrics by:五木 Fivewood|STACO
編曲 Beat Produced by:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
製作⼈ Executive Producer:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
錄⾳工程師 Recording Engineer:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
錄⾳工作室 Recording Studio:All In One Music
混⾳工程師 Mix engineer:潘毓文 Pan Beatz
監製 Executive Producer:施譯棋 YeeChi
導演 Director:陳韋傑 Aloha jie
副導演 Assistant Director:蘇彥竹 Andrew Su
製片 Producer:施譯棋 YeeChi
攝影 Director of Photography:品柏 Pinbo
攝影助理 Assistant Camera:詹子毅 Zeke
造型 Stylist:林佳盈 YoYo
演員 Actress:陳菀昀 Maggie
剪接 Editor :陳韋傑 Aloha jie|施譯棋 YeeChi
調光 Colorist:陳韋傑 Aloha jie
後期 Post Producer:陳韋傑 Aloha jie
劇照師 Still Photographer:黃鈴恩 Ariel Huang
特別感謝 Special Thanks:太閣 TIGERZONE(@tigerzone_vintage)|陳炯聿 June Chen|朱振奇 Wade
監製 Executive Producer:施譯棋 YeeChi
導演 Director:陳韋傑 Aloha jie
副導演 Assistant Director:蘇彥竹 Andrew Su
製片 Producer:施譯棋 YeeChi
攝影 Director of Photography:品柏 Pinbo
攝影助理 Assistant Camera:詹子毅 Zeke
造型 Stylist:林佳盈 YoYo
演員 Actress:陳菀昀 Maggie
剪接 Editor :陳韋傑 Aloha jie|施譯棋 YeeChi
調光 Colorist:陳韋傑 Aloha jie
後期 Post Producer:陳韋傑 Aloha jie
劇照師 Still Photographer:黃鈴恩 Ariel Huang
特別感謝 Special Thanks:太閣 TIGERZONE(@tigerzone_vintage)|陳炯聿 June Chen|朱振奇 Wade